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Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus transfer service

Transfer from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus for all your travel needs - available vehicles and price:

VICE VERSA click here
Vehicle Passengers One way price Round trip price Make a reservation
1 to 4 266 Euros 526 Euros
1 to 8 326 Euros 645 Euros
1 to 14 566 Euros 1126 Euros
Private Bus / Coach
LG Private bus for large group transfers from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus contact us

How long does it take to get from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus? The journey time from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus is about 145 minutes. Of course, should the transfer to Athens Harbour Piraeus take longer time for any reason, like particular conditions of the traffic or any issue along the way from Agios Konstantinos Harbour, you don't have to worry about anything because our transfers rates for Athens area and beyond are always flat and fully inclusive (no need to worry about a running taxi meter).


Transfer service from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus


Athens Transfers

Transfers to Athens Harbour Piraeus area

We offer transfer in Athens by private car service, taxi and bus for groups up to 56 passengers, single travellers, families or smaller group of friends.

Our transfer from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus is always at flat rate and fully inclusive prices, so you will not have to worry if the trip to Athens Harbour Piraeus will take more due to traffic, stop lights or deviations. Depending on your needs, all our Agios Konstantinos Harbour transfers are operated by a variety of clean, comfortable and air conditioned vehicles capable of carrying any number of passengers.

If you are not going from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus, we offer transfers in Athens area from and to any destination. On this page you can find prices for the transfer from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus and you can easily book on line, ensuring lowest fare and availability.

If you are a large group, you may be surprised to discover how convenient is to book a private bus from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus: this will be certainly more convenient than getting multiple taxis based in Athens area and may be much cheaper than buying one ticket per passenger for public transportation (which may not offer direct service from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus and, maybe, not at the time of day you need to travel).

On completing the reservation process you will receive a confirmation that includes also a phone number, should you have any last minute question shortly before the trip.

For more destinations that we operate from Agios Konstantinos Harbour or in Athens area, you can also check the Instant Quote on Agios Konstantinos Harbour transfers page.

Your driver will be wait for you at Agios Konstantinos Harbour, as much close as possible to the ship. When passengers disembark at Agios Konstantinos Harbour, all the taxis will be soon sold-out, so traveling with a confirmed reservation is always the best idea to make your trip to Athens Harbour Piraeus trouble-free.

Local office telephone number will be also provided for any needs, this may be either a local phone number registered in Athens or a mobile phone belonging to driver or to Athens Harbour Piraeus transfer coordinator and supervisor.

Why book with us
  • You can pay directly to the driver or in advance
  • Reduce stress: no risk of sold-out taxis
  • Fastest way to go from A to B!
  • Private door to door service from and to any address you provide
  • Transfers booked in advance may be cheaper than local taxi or even cheaper than public transport.
  • Child seats free of charge

Sample of private car from Agios Konstantinos Harbour to Athens Harbour Piraeus
For more information, special requests, quotes to other destinations, and for large group transfers, write to us using the form below: we will contact you shortly.
Your Name:
Your Email:




Other transfers from Agios Konstantinos Harbour

For information and pricing on other transfers from Athens, please visit our Athens airport transfers page.

See also: Athens Harbour Piraeus transfers and Agios Konstantinos Harbour transfers.

Other cities in Greece where our Airport Transfer service is also available:

Our car services in Greece also includes taxi, shuttle, minibus and bus transfers in Crete , Rhodes and Thessaloniki.

For destination not listed above and for any information please contact us.